Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hi My Name Is Terrance and I Love Poetry.

I think I had my first taste of the good stuff when I was about 5 years old, and I got my first hit from a fat sack of Roses Are Red.  By the time the poem the poem got to the third line, "I think you're cute"  I was hooked!  The last line was, "And I want to kiss you."  I was like WOW this girl is awesome, deep, and so talented (she also had good taste).  I knew I was a fan of poetry for life.

I know that not all poetry will be as simple or direct.  The first introduction I had to T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land I knew I had a bad batch or at least and overdose but even in that there was so much to take from it and so much to love.  

Poetry takes the complex and makes it simple, or makes the simple, complex.  It liken it to drug and when used properly can provide quite a rush.  When discovering the "awe" and power of nature and questions of and who God is in Shelly's Mont Blanc I remember rush of blood to my face and my cheeks tingled (I wish I was making it up but it happened).  Most of my poetic addictions aren't so lofty or to out of reach for beginning poetry reader.  At the most base form of attraction for me poetry begets lyrics.  Lyrics are the poetry of our everyday lives that is being pumped throughout our i-pods, stereos, televisions, and etc these poetic lyrics are a quick way for a junkie to get high right in front of world and most don't even know it.  For a quick example I share Esthero and her singing GONE.  Notice how the crowd goes crazy and no even the inflection she's going to use on the words ABOUT to come out if her mouth.  This was a live performance and she changed it up a bit, but the crowed went on singing as the thought she would...ENJOY

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